Experiencing psychological trauma can profoundly disrupt your mental well-being, leaving lasting effects that affect virtually every facet of your life. Unfortunately, it's hard to escape such …
Personal Growth
Personal growth is a process of psychological maturation that involves learning from the mistakes we made and developing new strategies to get to know one another better and adapt better to the world. Personal development requires a high degree of awareness, the ability to look within oneself.
Positive psychology is responsible for studying the best personal growth techniques in order to achieve a state of wellbeing that will give us happiness. This branch of psychology watches over our mental health and is based not only on positive thinking but also on scientific studies that help us to have more self-esteem, to be more confident and to maximize our potential.
10 signs you are growing emotionally, even if you don’t know it
The most ambitious and satisfying projects are often uphill, demanding a great deal of sacrifice and perseverance. That's why we can sometimes lose strength and drive halfway through. At that point, …
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Life is not an all-you-can-eat buffet, you have to learn to give up
Give up That word probably sounds bad to you. You may even unconsciously reject it. It's normal. We live in a society that pushes us to pursue our dreams – even though it puts a …
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Stop waiting for what doesn’t happen and assume that what you don’t expect can happen
In life, sometimes what you don't expect happens and you expect what doesn't happen. It has happened to all of us. We spend days, months or even years waiting for something to happen: for that …
Are you chaining one problem after another? You are going through a “permacrisis”
Do you feel lately that you never get out of one crisis and enter another? As if your life were hopelessly trapped in some sort of endless loop of problems, stress and difficult decisions. We live …
The weak seek revenge, the strong forgive… but the intelligent move forward
We have all felt the sting of an insult at some point: a hurtful word, an unexpected betrayal, or an injustice that we find difficult to digest. At such times, our reaction is instinctive: it hurts us …
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If it’s not in your hands, leave it out of your mind
It's happened to all of us: worried about something we can't change, we give it turns and more turns in our minds as if that's how we're going to solve the problem. But, what if I told you that that …
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