There are emotional states that overwhelm us, plain and simple. There are moments when we experience emotions so intense that it is very difficult to express with words, because whatever we say is simply an euphemism, it means to fall short of the immeasurable emotion we are experiencing.
The writer Julio Cortázar summed it up perfectly: “Words never reach when what has to be said overflows the soul”. For this reason, this Japanese artist アボガド6Avogado6 helps us to express ourselves through his illustrations, he has drawn many of those emotions and feelings that we have all experienced on some occasion, but for which there is no word that defines them perfectly.
1. When you feel that you have run out of batteries, literally, you can not make it anymore, and you need to recharge the power imperatively.
2. When you try to keep something that belongs to the past, you feel that it is escaping through the gaps of memory but you want to cling to it at all costs.
3. Those moments when the world around you seems too noisy and you just want a little silence to recover yourself.
4. That feeling of extreme tiredness in which you cut with everything, you disconnect completely and fall down because you have no longer the strength to go on.
5. That feeling of extreme fragility, as if you were going to break into a thousand pieces and, even knowing it, you feel that you cannot do anything.
6. That intense desire to stop the time when a loved one leaves us, but we still know that it is impossible and that happens for everyone, as if it were a condemnation.
7. When you feel trapped, you do not know what decision to take and it seems that any path is undermined, so you just want to stay curled up where you are, without moving.
8. When you have been hurt so much that you promise yourself that you will never love like that again.
9. Those moments when you are fully aware that the people around you and that you love, one day will be gone.
10. When the relationships with the others overflow you and you simply cannot do anything more, so that their words slide on you, literally.
11. When you feel that your psychological forces do not sustain you and the slightest idea of doing something generates you apathy and total laziness.
12. When you tell someone that you’re fine, while you’re trying to fake a smile, when in reality you’re falling apart inside.
13. That moment in which your gaze meets that of a complete stranger but you feel a special connection that lingers in your memory for the rest of the week.
14. When you feel that work is absorbing your life, literally, and you do not find the meaning.
15. When you know that love is hurting you, but you still love that other person so willingly.
16. When you feel that you are extremely susceptible and you wonder how it is possible that the others do not mind those things that make you crazy.
17. That feeling when nothing, absolutely nothing of what happens around you matters to you because you are simply too sad, too empty.
18. When you feel that the others are stealing your energy, they are simply leaving you empty.
19. That terrible feeling that the disease has caught you and, no matter how hard you try, you cannot get rid of it.
20. That tiny place where you feel so safe, so away from the world, where sometimes you’d like to stay forever imagining that everything is fine.
アボガド6 says
I am Avogado6.
In the Terms of Service, it says “If you intend to introduce it, then you can use my artworks if you put the artist name “アボガド6(avogado6)” and a link to the artwork”.
(My website’s guideline)
Please state my name and the link in this article.
If you can’t do that, don’t use my picture.
Kind regards.
Jennifer Delgado says
Hello Avogado6, as you can check yourself in the second paragraph of the article there’s your name and the link to your site since the moment we publish it. Kind regards.
アボガド6 says
Thank you very much.
I’m sorry I missed it.
Thank you for the introduction and seeing my art works !
Jennifer Delgado says
You are welcome!