We all have a past. And whether we like it or not, it conditions us. It is impossible to forget who we have been and what we have done. To say otherwise would be to lie to ourselves or to assume a naive attitude.
However, there are those who use their past as a source of wisdom, so as not to make the same mistakes again. And there are those who remain emotionally tied to the past, people who are unable to move forward because they carry a burden that is too heavy, mixed with feelings of guilt and resentment.
In this bundle are hidden situations that we have not processed emotionally and continue to hurt us, generating insecurity or fear. However, you cannot let go if you do not know what you are holding on to. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to look to the past to discover answers that explain our present.
How do you know if you are still tied to the past?
There are some signs that indicate that you are still emotionally tied to a negative past, which prevents you from moving forward and making the most of the opportunities that the present offers you.
1. You don’t want to talk about the situation. When we have accepted a situation, we have no problem going back over our steps and talking about it, both the positive and negative aspects. When something is part of our past and we have fully accepted it, we approach it naturally. However, when we refuse to talk about a subject, it is because it continues to bother us or hurt us in some way. It is a sign that we have not been able to turn the page and integrate that experience into our history.
2. You experience negative feelings that have no explanation. Sometimes, even though everything is fine in our world, we experience vague feelings of pain, resentment or guilt. These feelings do not come from the present; we cannot find something that originates them in the “here and now” simply because they come directly from the past, from a situation that is still harming us and that we have not fully resolved. Remember that the fact that we bury an experience does not mean that it did not exist and much less that it stops causing pain. Covering the wound with a bandage will make you not see it, but it will not hurt any less.
3. You repress emotions. One of the warning signs that we have not made peace with our past comes from the repression of emotions. For example, when a loved one leaves us and we accept the loss, we are able to remember old moments with a mix of sadness, joy and nostalgia. We stop resisting the memory because we are able to handle it. However, in the early stages we repress emotions and memories because they are too painful for us, which means that we have not yet emotionally accepted what has happened.
4. You can’t control your impulses. Impulses come, basically, from our emotions. When we repress our emotions and feelings, they come to the surface as impulses. So, if you are always irritable, if you feel anxious and anger explodes easily, you probably need to resolve unfinished business from your past. Remember that to exercise good self-control over your impulses, you need to be at peace with yourself.
5. You feel limited, but you don’t know why. This is a feeling we’ve all experienced at some point, a feeling that prevents us from giving our best but for which we find no logical explanation. In these cases, it is usually a trauma that we eliminate from our conscious mind but that continues to determine our life from the unconscious. Irrational fears, limiting beliefs and excuses for not growing can have their origin in a past experience that has marked us emotionally and that we have not been able to process.
6. You repeat the same mistakes over and over. It is said that man is the only animal that hits the same stone twice. And that is true, but when we hit the same stone several times, it is time to ask ourselves what we are doing wrong. There are people who are caught up in recurring patterns of behaviour that make them make the same mistakes over and over again. In these cases, what usually happens is that the person is punishing themselves for a past experience that they have not accepted, forcing themselves to continually live the same situation.
What is the solution?
Every experience involves cognitive and emotional aspects. We are very good at rationalizing but very bad at accepting emotions, so we can understand certain decisions and behaviors but we cannot accept them emotionally. However, until we emotionally accept these situations we will not be able to move on. Here are some tips to stop punishing yourself for a past mistake.
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